on march 28th we will be hosting a special bloom city plant night to support our very own jessop 3 and the other pkan warriors.
click here to sign up
in addition to creating your own beautiful succulent garden we will also be raffling off some amazing prizes and have delicious food provided by padre canyon foods.
all 3 of the jessop kids have been diagnosed with pkan{pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration} a rare neurological
disease with an average life expectancy of 10-12 years.
on january 25th, 2018, at their
appointment at ohsu hospital in portland, lester and noreen were told research
results had come in that could change the lives of their children. not only had
they found something that could stop the progression of the disease but could
start the healing process, not only for their 3 children but for over 200 more
children in the u.s. that are suffering from this disease.
now we are joining the journey to get this medication to the clinical trial stage. in order for the medication to be made and the trials to take place, the spoonbill foundation, headed by dr. hayflick and dr. hogarth, needs $2 million in donations. so, we ask you to please search your heart and join us in our give so they can live, fundraiser. if you would like to find out more information about pkan and these wonderful doctors who have dedicated their lives to finding a cure, please visit http://nbiacure.org/learn/nbia-disorders/pkan/ & http://nbiacure.org/spoonbill-foundation
now we are joining the journey to get this medication to the clinical trial stage. in order for the medication to be made and the trials to take place, the spoonbill foundation, headed by dr. hayflick and dr. hogarth, needs $2 million in donations. so, we ask you to please search your heart and join us in our give so they can live, fundraiser. if you would like to find out more information about pkan and these wonderful doctors who have dedicated their lives to finding a cure, please visit http://nbiacure.org/learn/nbia-disorders/pkan/ & http://nbiacure.org/spoonbill-foundation
all proceeds from the night will be donated to this very important
if you are unable to attend or would like to donate directly
a gofundme page
has been set up with all proceeds going towards the spoonbill foundation and
the quest to get this treatment funded.
if you would like to donate to our raffle or help out with our event please call the shop 435.652.0870 or email contact@bybloomers.com
we loved having daron and his mom at our mommy and me - bloom city plant night
if you would like to donate to our raffle or help out with our event please call the shop 435.652.0870 or email contact@bybloomers.com
we loved having daron and his mom at our mommy and me - bloom city plant night

Love those family photos. Wonderful fundraiser.
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